A Quick trip to the Naki

Some of you may remember the Auction for Hospice Taranaki set up by my old friend and boss Rob Tucker in September last year.  Rob organised some of his old work colleagues and other close news photographers to each provide their 3 favourite images for the auction. They were framed and mounted and various businesses in New Plymouth banded together to donate their services to make it a huge success. The Auction raised over $200.000 for Hospice Taranaki and really helped them out financially.

The three images I contributed to the Auction taken during my time at the Auckland Star below.  Click on the images to enlarge.

I used to work as a photographer at the Herald with Rob. I was his first appointment when Rob was appointed as one of the youngest Picture Editors the Herald ever had. He had worked in Taranaki, at the Auckland Star and in the UK. The Herald did a really good video of Rob’s career highlights which you can see here. Rob was also appointed a medal in the recent Kings Birthday Honours for services to Photography.

A couple of weeks ago, Rob sadly passed away after fighting cancer for the last few years. The day we knew would come arrived, but it never makes it any easier when you lose a good friend.

Click on any image to enlarge

On the drive down

So, I jumped into Rafe and set off for Fitzroy Holiday Park to attend the funeral which was in Rob’s hometown of New Plymouth. The weather wasn’t fantastic, but I still managed to get some nice moody images coming down the coast into New Plymouth.

Lovely Coast

I checked into Fitzroy Holiday Park and the next day at the funeral caught up with my old darkroom buddy and fellow Herald Photographer Ross Land. We both started within a year of each other as young 20 yr olds, both appointed by Rob so have known Rob for over 40 years. As Rob was confined to a wheelchair, Ross was Rob’s right-hand man at the Auction, helping with the mounting, putting the book together and helping get the Auction under way. Despite the loss of our good friend Rob, it’s always nice to see Ross.

At a get together at Rob’s place 6 or so years ago. LtoR, Rob, Rob’s brother Jim and me. Rob’s wife Bonnie took the photo.

I also caught up with a few other photographers and Journalists present including Robs brother Jim who was my boss at the Auckland Star for 5 years or so in the 80’s. It was also really nice to see Robs wife Bonnie and their family.

Click on the Gallery below to see an enlarged slideshow

Fitzroy is one of those Holiday Parks you never get tired of. It’s in a great location right on the beach and the facilities are fantastic and its reasonably priced at this time of the year. It’s also handy to the city.

There is a walkway/bike lane that runs all the way up the coast and back into the city which is amazing.  It runs through the front part of the camp and a really popular coffee Kiosk just outside.  It’s a really popular place for the surfers and the walkers and bike users, both on the walkway and beach are nonstop.

Surfy heaven.

A lovely town.   Farewell Rob.

Rafe’s tracker map to New Plymouth – Armada GPS

One thought on “A Quick trip to the Naki”

  1. Sorry about your dear friend, sometimes a fight has been won, but rarely the cancers. It’s not to justify in life we have to deal with it. Find strength and energy 🙏😌 RIP

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